Pollinisation - Base de données des compatibilités
Base de données sur les compatibilités pour la pollinisation des fruitiers.
Nbre variétés/cultivars : 399
Nbre associations par espèce : 1517
59 - Sorbier - Sorbus
Shipova Mt. Ash Hybrid Sorbus Sorbus x Pyrus- A unique hybrid of Mountain Ash and Pear, Shipova Mt. Ash Hybrid bears round, yellow-orange fruit, about the size of a large apricot. Quite delicious, the sweet, seedless fruit has a delicate, rose-like aroma. Shipova forms a pyramidal-shaped tree with attractive, grayish-green foliage. Shipova is self-fertile.
Latin Name: Sorbus x Pyrus
Site and Soil: Shipova Mt. Ash Hybrid like 1/2 day to full sun and well-drained soil.
Rootstock Description:
Pollination Requirements: Shipova is self-fertile.
Hardiness: Shipova is hardy to approx. minus 40F
Bearing Age: 4-7 years after planting
Size at Maturity: 12-15 ft. in height.
Bloom Time: Late spring
Ripening Time: Early fall
Yield: 20+ lbs.
Pests & Diseases: Shipova is not bothered by pests or diseases.
Sunset Western Zone: A1-A3, 1-10, 14-17
Sunset Northeast Zone: 34-43 378
https://onegreenworld.com/product/shipova-2/ - SHIPOVA is a unique cross between a pear( pyrus) and mountain ash(sorbus). These exotic trees produce clusters of pear-like fruit that have sugar sweet flesh and an unusual fruity taste reminiscent of pineapple and mango. Shipova trees stay smaller(10 ft) than most pear trees. We find that once tree is established or acclimatized that it will survive ZONE 3 winters down to -40 C. The fruit is very nutrient dense and thus very filling/satisfying when eaten Thought to be self fertile but we suggest pollinating with pear or Mt Ash for better cropping. The Shipova fruit is seedless but with cross-pollination there is a slight chance that a viable seed might form inside the fruit core. EUREKA if it does.... as you can then try to germinate the chance seed into a new variety of Shipova and you will be the first person to do so in a long while...we have been trying to find a viable seed for 15 yrs now and still no luck! 380
POLLINISÉ PAR :- Autofertile 1422
Sorbier d'amérique Sorbus americana- Pour utiliser comme porte-greffe de poirier. Les poires se greffent bien sur le sorbier commun que les oiseaux plantent pour nous. Il y a une astuce cependant... vous DEVEZ vous assurer qu'au moins un tiers des branches restent sous forme de frêne de montagne et pas plus des deux tiers sont des poires greffées à l'arbre. Encore une fois, la raison en est que la poire n'est pas très douée pour nourrir les racines du sorbier. 48
https://www.facebook.com/groups/222694222338873/posts/695091985099092/ - Fruits (sorbes) rouges à orangés, brillants, crus à un goût amers à cause de leur forte teneur en tannin. Ils sont meilleurs après qu’ils aient subi un bon gel.
En Europe, beaucoup préfèrent la gelée de sorbes à la gelée de groseilles rouges. Puisqu’elle est légèrement amère, elle accompagne les rôtis d'agneau, la venaison et le lièvre. Son goût s’allie bien avec ceux des pommettes et des agrumes, marmelade et confitures. 372
https://www.plantesauvage.com/2019/01/03/les-sorbier-sorbus/ - Les Algonquins font une tisane fortifiante dont la recette est comme suit : faire bouillir, durant plusieurs heures, de menus rameaux de cormier et d'épinette blanche, des feuilles de thé des bois (Gaultheria), des fleurs de sureau blanc (Sambucus canadensis) et un peu de vin. C'est évidemment une tentative de réunir, en un élixir complexe, la quintessence des sucs bienfaisants de la terre. 373
https://www.florelaurentienne.com/flore/Groupes/Spermatophytes/Angiospermes/Dicotyles/050_Rosacees/05_Sorbus/americana.htm - Les fruits (sorbes ou cormes) sont comestibles et se mangent quand les gelées d'automne les ont rendus juteux. 374
https://www.florelaurentienne.com/flore/Groupes/Spermatophytes/Angiospermes/Dicotyles/050_Rosacees/05_Sorbus/americana.htm - Cueillis très tard, après les premiers gels, les fruits servent à fabriquer des gelées, des confitures et des marmelades. Les fruits sont antiscorbutiques, diurétiques et astringents. On les emploie comme source de vitamine C et contre la diarrhée et la dysenterie. On peut les conserver séchés ou en sirop. 375
https://m.espacepourlavie.ca/flore-biodome/sorbier-damerique-cormier - The mountain ash flower grows in clusters of 9-15. The flowers are hermaphroditic, meaning that flowers possess both female sexual characteristics, and male sexual characteristics. This does technically mean that they are able to self-pollinate, but the tree seems to understand the dangers of that.
Male sexual characteristics will mature before female sexual characteristics in order to prevent self-pollination. This is because self-pollination reduces the gene flow, and a tree that is a self-pollinated tree will have no adaptive traits and may be more vulnerable than a tree that has multiple genes. 381
https://www.homestratosphere.com/what-is-an-australian-mountain-ash-tree/ - The two most common species in North America are the American mountain-ash, S. americana and the showy mountain-ash, S. decora, both native to eastern North America. These three species all reach about 12 m (40 feet) and have the typical reddish-orange fruit we associate with mountain-ash. The European mountain-ash is not always easy to distinguish from the American species S. decora and S. americana but if you check the winter buds, you will see grey hairs along the margins of the bud scales. The winter buds of the American species are generally hairless, black and somewhat sticky. In the autumn, the fall foliage of S. aucuparia is rather bland while the American species are often more colourful, especially S. decora. 382
https://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/2114 - Both American mountain-ash (Sorbus americana) and European mountain-ash (sorbus aucuparia) are monoecious - ('one house' : Greek) as the flowers are 'perfect' (they have both male and femal structures). Even so, most plants benefit from cross pollination and indeed some plants - and even some cultivars within the same species - are self sterile due to either gametophytic or sporophytic lethal genes that prevent self pollination. 383