Pollinisation - Base de données des compatibilités
Base de données sur les compatibilités pour la pollinisation des fruitiers.
Nbre variétés/cultivars : 399
Nbre associations par espèce : 1517
36 - Poirier Européen - Pyrus communis
POLLINISATION :- 2 cultivars différents compatibles dont les périodes de floraison coïncident.
Poirier Bartlett (William) Pyrus communis - Angleterre, Europe- Zone 4b (partiellement autofertile) 226
https://jardinierparesseux.com/2016/05/16/poiriers-pour-climats-froids/ - Variété Européenne
Arbres produits à partir de greffons en zone 4b
Fruit jaune verdâtre à chair blanche non granuleuse et très aromatique. La poire la plus populaire. Récolte en septembre. Se mange frais et se conserve bien. Tailler en période de dormance (fin mars, début avril). L'arbres est rustique en zone 4b. Mieux vaut le planter en situation protégée. Comme la plupart des poiriers matures, il atteint une hauteur de 4.5 m par 4.5 m de large. Cueillir les fruits lorsque dures et encore verts pour les laisser mûrir dans des sacs de papiers pendant 10 jours au moins. Il deviendront excellent.
Pollinisation : Partiellement auto-fertile, doit être plantez avec un autre poirier pour la pollinisation.
Distance de plantation entre les arbres : 12-14 pieds.
Zone de rusticité : 4b 248
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - According to Hedrick, this was found as a wilding by a Mr. Stair at Aldermaston, Berkshire, England. Later it was acquired by a Mr. Williams, a nurseryman of Turham, Middlesex and distributed under the name of Williams Bon Chretien. It was brought to the United States under this name in 1797 or 1799 by James Carter for Thomas Brewer of Roxbury, Massachusetts. In 1817, Enoch Bartlett of Dorchester, Massachusetts acquired the Brewer property, and not knowing the variety's true identity, propagated it under his own name. Hence, it became known in America as Bartlett. It was added to the APS catalog list in 1848 under the name Bartlett. Fruit medium or larger in size, oblong-obtuse-pyriform in shape, somewhat irregular. Skin fairly thin, somewhat tender, clear-yellow in color, occasionally blushed, surface somewhat uneven, some inconspicuous dots, fairly attractive. flesh white, fine, quite free of grit, melting, juicy. Sweet, vinous flavor with a trace of muskiness. Rates high in dessert quality. Fairly early in season. Tree medium or less in vigor, not well formed as an orchard tree, productive, fairly susceptible to fire blight. In spite of blight susceptibility, Bartlett is quite cosmopolitan in adaptability and is now the world's leading commercial pear variety. It is prized for both dessert and processing qualities. 325
H. Hartman, Oregon Ag. Experiment Station, 1957. - This noble pear is, justly, one of the most popular of all the summer varieties. Its size, beauty and excellence, entitle it to this estimation, apart from the factthat it bears very early, regularly and abundantly. It is an English variety, originated about 1770, in Berkshire, and was afterwards propagated by a London grower by the name of Williams. When first introduced to this country its name was lost, and having been cultivated an disseminated by Enoch Bartlett, Esq., of Dorchester, near Boston, it became so universally known as the Bartlett pear, that it is impossible to dispossess it now. (The first imported tree in Mr. Bartlett's grounds, was sent from England in 1799.) It suits our climate admirably, ripening better here than in England, and has the unusual property of maturing perfectly in the house, even if it it picked before it is full grown. It has no competitor as a summer market fruit. The tree grows upright, with thrifty, yellowish-brown shoots, and narrow, folded leaves. Fruit of large size, irregularly pyrimidal. Skin very thin and smooth, clear yellow, (with a soft blush on the sunny side, in exposed specimens,) rarely marked with faint russet. Stalk one to one and a half inches long, stout, inserted in a shallow, flat cavity. Calyx open, set in a very shallow, obscurely plaited basin. Flesh white, and exceedingly fine-grained and buttery; it is full of juice, sweet, with a highly perfumed, vinous flavour. (In damp or unfavourable soils, it is sometimes slightly acid.) Ripens fromthe last of August to the m iddle and last of September. 326
A.J. Downing, The fruits and fruit trees of America, 1846. - Sensibles à la brûlure bactérienne. 407
Le jardin fruitier, Bertrand Dumond
POLLINISÉ PAR :- Poirier Anjou, Beurre d'Anjou - Pyrus communis - Europe 166
http://treefruit.wsu.edu/orchard-management/pollination/ - Poirier Bosc - Pyrus communis - Europe 167
http://treefruit.wsu.edu/orchard-management/pollination/ - Poirier Comice - Pyrus communis - Europe 168
http://treefruit.wsu.edu/orchard-management/pollination/ - Poirier Beauté Flamande - Pyrus communis - Europe 236
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Red Clapp, Red Clapp's Favorite, Red Clapp Favorite, Red Kalle - Pyrus communis - Europe 237
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Conference - Pyrus communis - Europe 238
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Harrow Delight - Pyrus communis - Ontario, Canada 239
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Savignac - Pyrus communis - Europe 240
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Seckel - Pyrus communis - Europe 241
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Ste-Sophie - Pyrus communis - Europe 242
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Clapps Favourite - Pyrus communis - Europe 243
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Autofertile 1453
POLLINISATEUR POUR :- Poirier Harovin Bounty (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Europe 802
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Harrow Delight (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Ontario, Canada 827
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Clapps Favourite (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Europe 657
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Beurré Giffard, Beurre Gifford (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - France, Europe 666
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Anjou, Beurre d'Anjou (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Europe 162
http://treefruit.wsu.edu/orchard-management/pollination/ - Poirier Bosc (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Europe 170
http://treefruit.wsu.edu/orchard-management/pollination/ - Poirier Comice (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Europe 174
http://treefruit.wsu.edu/orchard-management/pollination/ - Poirier Seckel (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Europe 179
http://treefruit.wsu.edu/orchard-management/pollination/ - Poirier Chojuro (partiellement) - Pyrus pyrifolia - Asie 181
https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2076/2017/06/C105-Pollination-of-Fruit-Trees-15a.pdf - Poirier Nijisseiki (20th Century) (partiellement) - Pyrus pyrifolia - Asie 184
https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2076/2017/06/C105-Pollination-of-Fruit-Trees-15a.pdf - Poirier Shinseiki, Shinseike, New Century (partiellement) - Pyrus pyrifolia - Asie 186
https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/pyrus-pyrifolia-shinseiki/ - Poirier Hosui (partiellement) - Pyrus pyrifolia - Asie 188
https://www.gardenia.net/plant/pyrus-pyrifolia-chojuro - Poirier Loma (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Europe 959
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Shinko (partiellement) - Pyrus pyrifolia - Asie 1226
https://www.orangepippintrees.com/pollinationchecker.aspx - Poirier Niitaka (partiellement) - Pyrus pyrifolia - Asie 210
https://www.cassenoisettepepiniere.com/Poiriers.php - Poirier Shinsui (partiellement) - Pyrus pyrifolia - Asie 1245
https://www.orangepippintrees.com/pollinationchecker.aspx - Poirier Conference (partiellement) - Pyrus communis - Europe 734