Greffe - Base de données des compatibilités
Base de données sur les compatibilités (portes-greffes et greffons) pour la greffe des fruitiers.
Nbre variétés/cultivars : 399
Nbre associations par espèce : 1517
44 - Prunier Asiatique - Prunus salicina
Prunier Asiatique Prunus salicina - Asie, Japon- La plupart des pruniers japonais nécessitent une deuxième variété pour la pollinisation croisée. 19 - Japanese plums (Prunus salicina) are generally not compatible with European plums (Prunus domestica) , but will often cross-pollinate with cherry plums. 20
À GREFFER SUR :- Prunier St-Julien A - Prunus insititia - United Kingdom 566 - Prunier d'amérique, Prunier indigène - Prunus americana - Ingène en Amérique du Nord 1518 - Cerisier des sables - Besseyi - Prunus pumila var besseyi - Côte Est de l'Amérique du Nord 1519 - Adara - Porte-greffe de fruit à noyau (certaines variétés) - Prunus cerasifera - Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD) 1593
Adara, A Plum Rootstock for Cherries
and Other Stone Fruit Species,HORTSCIENCE, VOL. 30(6), October 1995
PORTE-GREFFE POUR :- Prunier Européen (certains cultivars) - Prunus domestica - Europe - Partly satisfactory for grafting. Most cultivars grow and fruit normally on this rootstock, although some cultivars and some trees do not make satisfactory or permanent graft unions. 1702
Prunier Japonais Hybride Prunus salicina x ? - Hybride asiatique et ?- Hybrid plums will not cross pollinate with other hybrids or P. salicina. This means that they require pollen from a wild plum (P. nigra or P. americana) to set fruit. The hybrid plum, however, in return will not pollinate the wild plum, meaning that another wild plum is needed if one wants to get wild plum fruit. For P. salicina another variety of P. salicina is needed for pollination. Wild plums will also pollinate P. salicina but in most cases one would rather grow a second P. salicina as the fruit is far superior. 32
À GREFFER SUR :- Prunier d'amérique, Prunier indigène (plusieurs) - Prunus americana - Ingène en Amérique du Nord - Partly satisfactory for grafting. Most cultivars grow and fruit normally on this rootstock, although some cultivars and some trees do not make satisfactory or permanent graft unions. 12 - Chum Mustang (la plupart) - Prunus Prunus x Jefchum - Selected by Dr. Wilbert Ronald and Mr. Rick Durand of Jeffries Nurseries Ltd - Partly satisfactory for grafting. Most cultivars grow and fruit normally on this rootstock, although some cultivars and some trees do not make satisfactory or permanent graft unions. 1488
Mustang Rootsock, Jeffries Nursery, 2006